Sunday, May 8, 2011

What I Heart Today: Mother's Day

Tears are streaming down my face as I start this post. It's a special mother's day for me. It's my second official mother's day but the first one I'm celebrating. Ask me what I did last year? Couldn't tell you, I think I was hiding somewhere begging people to pretend this day didn't exist.

When my daughter was three weeks old, two Januarys ago, I was diagnosed with severe post partum depression. I did not want to be where I was. I didn't want to be a mom. I didn't want to be in my house. I just wanted out. The first two weeks of her life were so much fun, I was so proud and I remember them like it was yesterday. The next six months are a total blur, the only memories I have are from photos and video. But luckily I got help. My family and friends were superstars in what seemed to be a huge galaxy. My poor husband, he didn't know what to do and was just trying to keep everything together at home. He stood by me. If my friends and family were superstars my mom was my north star. When things got so bad and I didn't know where to turn, my mom dropped everything to come take care of me and my little baby. She vowed to stay with me until I was back to my normal self, and she did.

This year is a different kind of mother's day. I am having a great day! My husband is allowing me a mother's day palooza as I'm calling it, and it runs into next weekend. I love being a mom, and more then ever I love what my mom is to me.

Happy mother's day!

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