Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What I Heart Today: Piperlime

Shoes, shoes, shoes! A woman can never have enough shoes. A man on the other hand...

My husband is a less is more kind of guy. What that means is when he's done with a pair of shoes (ie he wore them golfing twice in the rain and everytime he puts them on his feet get wet) it's a mad scramble for another pair of shoes.

I'd like to let you in on a little secret, ok maybe it's not so secret anymore, called Piperlime. Piperlime is a Gap company, it started out as just shoes but has since added everything you could ever want like clothes and handbags. Here's the best part, they offer free shipping and free returns. So instead of dragging my husband to the mall (because he won't let me pick them out without him) I ordered him 6 pairs of shoes from Piperlime and had him try them all on at home. Jackpot! Unfortunately he only liked 1 of the 6 pairs, I would have liked to have one in reserve, but at least the emergency is over.

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